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Exige S Oil Breather (Toyota 2ZZ)

Lotus Exige + Exige S Oil Breather

The 2zz powered Exige suffers particularly badly from oil breathing issues due to the high revving nature of the Toyota engine and the fact that many of them are pushed hard on track.

The principles behind oil separators / breathers is simple. Piston rings do not seal 100% and as a result, pressurised gasses from the combustion chamber leak through to the crankcase area and pressurise the crankcase and sump. The block then breathes through a pipe which usually feeds the vapour into the inlet system and the engine would then normally burn this nasty mix of oil vapour and condensation therefore potentially lowering the octane rating of your fuel, the effects of this are as follows;

1) Your engine could "Pink" or detonate

2) You will lose power

Also an oily/dirty intake system will reduce the efficiency of your intercooler or  chargecooler again lowering the performance of the engine.

By separating and catching these gasses in our two stage breather system we can safely remove this problem from the crankcase and return clean air to the intake tract. 

Our breather system isn’t just an alloy pot either – inside we have a two stage separation system - Stage one is performed by a baffle plate which de-aerates the oil air mix. Stage two is performed by a special polyether foam compound which collects and stabilises the oil therefore stopping it from being pushed out of the outlet pipe .

Maintenance is of our tanks is simple - Just remove one bolt from the retaining bracket to pull the pots out of the location pin on the bottom , this then gives you access to the twin drain points on the bottom of the tanks.

Available in satin black or satin silver. 

*Please note - This kit is not suitable for the V6 powered Exige models.

Satin Silver
Satin Black